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  Snaps from Tibet
The Big Dance: Yushu Horse Festival (all Tibet)

Among the largest festivals in Tibet's very crowded summertime roster, the Yushu Horse Festival combines three important aspects of Tibet: horses (duh), wide open landscapes and amazing duds. Tibetans showed up to this little-visited corner of the Tibetan Plateau wearing their BEST clothes. If nothing else, the people-watching was spectacular.

We arrived, as usual, without reservations. Fortunately, we convinced a hotel owner to let us sleep on the floor for a night. Then, friends Dave and Jamie invited us to share a hotel room. Thus, China's talent to provide the most disgusting toilets in the world was once again on display -- no running water, cleaned, if lucky, once a day. The pics are from wanderings at the fairgrounds, the horse races, horizontal acrobats, and Tibetan cowboys blasting targets with muskets..

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