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Waterfall Wonderaland
Caught somewhere between disneyland and the lost world a tourist trap rightly deserving the title.
Buenos Aires: Ni Olvida, Ni Perdon
In a tourist playground of tango, currency arbitrage and all-u-can-eat meat, remembering that 30,000 people simply vanished 30 years ago, including the woman standing before us.
Magic Boots
Mariana and I marched faithfully towards Lago Esmeralda, following the paper map that "Gato" had given us. On either side, sawtooth mountains looked ready to tear the soft grey sky overhead. The valley floor is carpeted by a rainbow of turba, peat moss in a bouquet of colors: red, green, white, yellow and black, a dragon's mouth laid open..
The Fitz! The Fitz!!
As the morning sunlight first hits my face, I'm cooking oatmeal with Argentine dulce de leche (milk caramel) on a campfire stove. For the last hour, I've been at a rocky lake at the foot of the peaks awaiting the "sunrise of fire" on Mt. Fitz Roy
Dances with Bicycles Part 1
After meeting a horde of cyclists in Salta, in Northwestern Argentina, I bought a used bicycle and began to plan an assault on the Salt Flats of Bolivia. An appropriate response from a fellow traveler: "Bolivia!? Do you know how many fucking mountains there are?!"
Dances with Bicycles Part 2
The truth was that all the cyclists were scared. Some had holed up in Salta for nearly 3 weeks, waiting for European reinforcements to arrive before entering the spare-parts wasteland of Bolivia.
Argentina Galleries:
(All Argentina Photos)
Tierra del Fuego
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